School News

November 2016 Update on Cooke Real Estate School

- Nov 05, 2016      Archive

Our real estate school continues to expand. We are now offering the pre-license salesperson course for the District of Columbia. We look forward to a great relationship with students in our wonderful United States capitol.

We are also offering the Florida pre-license course for sales associates in Spanish. Students will be able to toggle between the Spanish text and the English version throughout the course. We have received many requests for this version of the 63 hour Florida pre-license course. We are excited that it will help those students whose native language is Spanish but can speak some English. By having a Spanish version of the course, it will give those students a better chance to pass the State Exam. The Division of Real Estate in Florida does provide students the option of a Spanish state exam, which also allows the student to toggle between the Spanish version and English version of each question, which is similar to our Spanish course format.

We also plan on providing 336 hours of online courses for one become a Kentucky real estate broker. We have had requests to provide this program and hope to be able to within the next 30 days.

Frank Cooke